Delivery Time
When you place an order with Tomorrow’s Harvest, we will attempt to expedite shipping and delivery dates based on the availability of your items and the shipping options you choose. Order processing and shipping dates will appear in the email order notifications you receive. Once you’ve placed your order, you will be able to see both shipping and delivery status in the relevant order summary in Your Account.
Shipping time may be delayed in periods of HIGH HEAT or EXTREME COLD
Calculating Cost
Shipping costs for orders from Tomorrow’s Harvest depend upon the methods and options you choose. Costs are calculated by weight and we ship two trees to a box -when 2+ trees are ordered to decrease shipping cost for your benefit.
Returns Policy
We do not accept returns, if your package was received in poor or damaged condition please call us immediately. we will not consider any orders after 30 days of items received. We will require photos be emailed and will get the matter sorted swiftly!
We cannot issue refunds due to:
- Any item inquired about 30 days after delivery.
- Items with minor breakage
- Items with yellowing/stress induced by shipping during hot summer months. UNLESS the tree ends up dying from heat stress within the 30 days.